Why PR professionals need to know how to talk to reporters about suicide I was at the Utah Public Information Officers Conference and saw a workshop called “How to speak to the media

The Press Release Still Lives!
Lately, I’ve seen, over and over, the proclamation that the classic PR tool, the press release, is outdated and not useful. When asked the question “when is the right time to start writing and

4 Life Lessons Learned from Mitt Romney
Advice for succeeding in public relations, and life in general
Mitt Romney, the successful businessman, presidential candidate and father, is no

6 secrets of pitching from a newspaper editor’s point of view
When the news hit about a nurse in Utah being arrested, I knew it was a perfect hook to get one of my clients in the news. The nurse at the University of Utah Hospital had acted to protect her patient

Five Things Executives Should Expect From Their Event Photographer
When delivering high-profile speeches, look your best and have high but realistic expectations of your photographer.

Why the Traditional Press Release Lives On
The never-ending doomsday proclamation that press releases are dead.

How to Navigate the Challenges of Vetting Content Within a Large Organization
7 tips journalists should know before making the switch to in-house PR.

Take one of these books on your next flight
Learn from great teachers through one of these modern classics on the art of management and business communication.

Five Public Relations Myths
When I tell people I’m in public relations, I often wonder how they picture my day. One day, I actually asked a friend what she thought I did. Boy was I in for a surprise! She told me she thought I had a (as in just one) client that I would call the media for, the media would report what I told them and I would go home successful every day.

What Is Social Media Doing For Your Company?
Social media is ubiquitous with the ability to say anything you like. Given how common it is for people to post their entire lives on Facebook and Twitter, it’s a wonder anybody can resist posting

Six ‘Out-of-the-Box’ Ways PR Writers can Overcome Jargon
Unknown-1Often, between the frank discussions on preparing a message platform and the written messages, we end up with overused and tired clichés, phrases and jargon to describe an otherwise important piece of information.