New eBook: Cheryl Conner Interviews Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman About ‘Speed’
In the most recent edition of the Zenger Folkman podcast series, SnappConner's Cheryl Snapp Conner turns the table on podcasters Dr. Jack Zenger and Dr. Joe Folkman and interviews them about their new

Hacking Social Media: The Best Times To Post For Your Brand
With thanks to Nora Flint, of Truconversion.com, we have obtained a new infographic about the best times for businesses to post social media for highest

The High Cost (And Best Cures) For Dysfunctional Company Culture
Perhaps this statement is most compelling of all: “there is growing evidence that the long-term health of a company’s bottom line and the health of its employees are, in fact, very much aligned.” Yet only 35% of large and mid-sized U.S. companies provide stress-reduction programs of any kind.

How Good Messaging Is Like Convincing An American To Eat Escargot
When I was 13 I took French at school. My teacher was a whiz at teaching the language but was also invested in teaching us French culture. We had lessons on the significance of la bise (the kiss on the cheek upon greeting a friend) and how to greet someone properly based on their relationship to you, we learned about stained glass and flying buttresses, we learned about the difference between Santa Clause and Père Noel.

How To Respond to Negative Reviews or Comments on a Blog
My in-laws built and manage a bed & breakfast on a beautiful lake in northern California. With input from family members who know web design and marketing (myself included), they’ve done a nice job promoting the B & B, creating their own website and managing social media such as Facebook and travel and review websites such as Trip Advisor and Yelp.

Google Glass: Just For Men?
Friend and fellow communications writer Sarah Buhr just raised an interesting point this morning in a guest OpEd for USA Today: Hey, Google Glass—Where the ladies at?

Forbes Post: The ‘8 Great’ Challenges Every Business Faces (And How To Master Them All)
This week I interviewed a personal mentor of mine – his name is Neal Jenson, Managing Director of consulting firm Qazztek, in Salt Lake City. He has one of the most diverse business backgrounds I’ve known, ranging from stints with Fortune 500 firms…

It’s A Dirty Business
They call their headquarters “The Junktion.” Their office looks like a hip ’90s dot com, where news about “junk happenings” covers the wall, there’s a foosball table in the corner, and lots of young executives are running around. In reality it’s a garbage-hauling company in Vancouver called 1-800-GOT-JUNK?

With The Right Mentality, Money Really Does Grow On Trees
For every millennial worker (or manager) who has complained about lack of ease, the hard economy, or the trials of working with a challenging customer, here’s a motivational story for you.

Why Your Equity Could be Worth Less Than You Think (Or Possibly Nothing at All)
Today’s post comes to you with the help of my friend Jeron Paul, of Scalar Analytics, who with his co-founder Matt Tillotsen explained to me some of the intricacies that investors and founders need to know and consider as they make or receive equity investment in their ventures.

The Power of “I’m Sorry”
I recently made a purchase from an online clothing retailer. I selected the free two-day shipping option, but on the day my package was due to arrive, I checked the tracking number and discovered it wasn’t on my doorstep. It wasn’t even in my state. In fact, it was days away from delivery.