
Take one of these books on your next flight

September 8, 2015 / Blog / Business Tips / Communication Tips / Marketing Tips / Personal Development / PR Tips

Learn from great teachers through one of these modern classics on the art of management and business communication.

Three Great Ways to Invest in Yourself

July 10, 2015 / Blog / Brand Development / Business Tips / Marketing Tips / Personal Development / Snapp Conner PR

You’re a thoughtful person, and you like to take care of your family, friends and colleagues. But maybe it’s time you gave a series of special gifts to the most important person in your life—

Applying Ethics Can Help You Think Outside the Box

January 16, 2014 / Blog / Personal Development / PR Tips

I’ve been teaching an intro to public relations class and the most recent lecture covered ethics in PR. It was a great reminder to give more thought to my actions, because looking back over the past few weeks I actually can name several instances where I could have applied ethical thought to my actions and to my recommendations.

The Golden Rule In PR

January 1, 2014 / Blog / Personal Development / PR Tips

As a communications professional, it’s always interesting to see the latest faux pas – not to make fun or think that I’m better (I’ve no doubt had my share of mistakes to own up to) – but to get a reminder that you are never off the record.

Forbes Post – Report: How Grammar Influences Your Income

April 5, 2013 / Blog / Brand Development / Media Relations / Personal Development / PR Tips

I’ve talked about the costs of poor grammar before. There are no good excuses. The world has two billion English writers, according to Brad Hoover, CEO of Top Ten Reviews #1 ranked grammar software program, Grammarly.

Apiary Fund – Can Personality Traits Help Make You a Better Investor?

January 23, 2013 / Blog / Business News / Personal Development / Snapp Conner PR

Today I participated in Apiary Fund’s new Investor Profile released today. The profile is a personality assessment tool designed to help investors recognize personal characteristics beneficial or detrimental to their investment strategies.

With The Right Mentality, Money Really Does Grow On Trees

October 17, 2012 / Blog / Business Strategy / Personal Development

For every millennial worker (or manager) who has complained about lack of ease, the hard economy, or the trials of working with a challenging customer, here’s a motivational story for you.

Living in the Red Zone

June 7, 2012 / Blog / Personal Development

I love riding motorcycles, especially on a smooth, winding canyon road in the middle of a nature-scented summer evening. On a motorcycle, on the odometer that measures the engine’s RPMs, there is a red zone.