A few weeks ago, Shauna Lake, a longtime news anchor for the Salt Lake City CBS affiliate, experienced the effects of a high-profile mistake after a Utah State Highway Patrol officer pulled her over

Seeing through fake news
The term ‘yellow journalism’ started in the late 1800’s when two of the largest New York City newspaper publishers, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, respectively began

Mark Fredrickson, SnappConner PR VP, Named 2015 Marketing Executive of the Year by UTC
Fredrickson has served as co-chair of the UTC Communications Committee and also as Co-Chair of the Marketing Peer-to-Peer Forum for several years. He has been highly involved in the marketing forum

Utah Deals Grew Significantly in 2012 Lead by Big Name M&A
Last Thursday I attended the MountainWest Capital Network (MWCN) Deal Flow event. I’ve attended the event many times over the years, but this year’s was different. The 18th annual Deal Flow report of all Utah deals conducted in 2012 grew substantially. It was in fact, the largest deal year in Utah in about 14 years.

Entrepreneurial Contributions That Are Making A Difference, In The Wake Of The Storm
As the sun peeked through the clouds this morning and I felt the warmth through my kitchen window, my thoughts, like those of many others, turned to the 7 million people across the Eastern U.S. still without electricity because of Hurricane Sandy.

Josh James to Join InsideSales.com Board of Directors
We were very excited to hear Josh James joined the Board of Directors of our client InsideSales.com today. James, founder and CEO of Domo, is the leader who founded and operated Omniture until its acquisition by Adobe for $1.8 billion.