When shelter-in-place orders came in March, work didn’t stop— the workforce just adjusted. For Corporate America, #WFH gave way to dress shirts on top paired with sweats on the bottom, “COVID

How keyword density can help fulfill your SEO destiny
Use keywords to reach the most people in the most effective way.

Five Things Executives Should Expect From Their Event Photographer
When delivering high-profile speeches, look your best and have high but realistic expectations of your photographer.

What Google and Office Space’s Initech Could Have—Should Have—Learned from Drucker
A decade after his death, management guru Drucker still inspires and teaches.

Hacking Social Media: The Best Times To Post For Your Brand
With thanks to Nora Flint, of Truconversion.com, we have obtained a new infographic about the best times for businesses to post social media for highest

7 Tips for Business Travel Preparation
For our clients and other executives: How to create a low-stress packing process and keeping your checked bag from going to Paris without you.

Take one of these books on your next flight
Learn from great teachers through one of these modern classics on the art of management and business communication.

Three Great Ways to Invest in Yourself
You’re a thoughtful person, and you like to take care of your family, friends and colleagues. But maybe it’s time you gave a series of special gifts to the most important person in your life—

The ‘Big 3’ Mistakes (And Their Fixes) For First-Time Entrepreneurs
Together with co-founder Jason Katzenback, he’s now providing education for other entrepreneurs with a student base of 14,000 graduates so far, who’ve been prepared for entrepreneurship or to grow their companies further through a combination of online classes, training calls and live events.

The Definitive Guide to Thought Leadership is Available Now
Here’s everything you wanted to know about Thought Leadership, and perhaps a little bit more. Author and Snapp Conner founder Cheryl Conner has demystified the magic of Thought Leadership in this new ebook, available free of charge from this link. We welcome your remarks, and enjoy!

5 Ways to Keep Your Customers – and the Media – Wanting More
As a business strives for success, it is going to have numerous highs and lows. For McDonalds, one of the most successful brands in the world, last year was a definite low, if you put any credence in the recent list 24/7 Wall St. compiled of the 10 most hated companies in the United States.