A financial crisis in the business can stem from either internal or external factors. Failing to reach a monthly quota and poor cash flow management are examples of internal factors, while a weakened

The Surprising Link Between Company Culture and PR Crisis
This is the fourth post in my new Read More

How Do You Combat Fake News? Don’t Do This…
This is the third post in Cheryl Snapp Conner’s new column series for Read More

Crisis PR: The Increasing Danger of Twitter
This is the first post in Cheryl Snapp Conner's new column series for Read More

Lessons learned from the mistake of a Salt Lake City news anchor
A few weeks ago, Shauna Lake, a longtime news anchor for the Salt Lake City CBS affiliate, experienced the effects of a high-profile mistake after a Utah State Highway Patrol officer pulled her over

Transparency and Access are Vital to Crisis Communication
When a crisis strikes, most businesses and organizations are caught off guard when the first reporter calls requesting a statement. For business owners and executives, balancing the need to manage a crisis while dealing with the media’s desire to know can be one of the most stressful situations imaginable.

Are You Prepared? Record Number Of Cyber Attacks Target Small Business
If you think your business is too small to be an attractive target for cyber criminals or you don’t have anything worth stealing, think again: The 2012 Data Breach Investigations Study by Verizon shows that in 855 data breaches they examined, 71 percent occurred in businesses with fewer than 100 employees.

Reputation Management: When Your Business is Disparaged Online
Yes, we’ve come that far. The theme of internet reputation has even spawned a genre of jokes. Forbes’ Susan Adams has aligned the steps to take to protect your personal reputation online.

Forbes Post — Bad Business: Indicted Or Not, You Are Going To Get Caught
As a communications professional, I was particularly struck by Howard Sklar’s article this week, Six Reasons Why You’re Going To Get Caught. Howard talks about the dilemma of companies who catch an instance (or even a pattern) of bribery or illegal contract negotiation in their ranks.

Can Somebody Please Be Prepared!
BA Hall of Famer and analyst Bill Walton is famous for making a plea for players to get a rebound during games. Quite often you’ll hear Walton say, “Can somebody please get a rebound!”