Seven 2013 New Year Resolutions to Avoid Your Personal Fiscal Cliff
One of our newest clients, Apiary Fund (, located down in Lindon, Utah, released its seven 2013 New Year resolutions to avoid your own personal fiscal cliff.
“It’s that time of the year when people begin making New Year resolutions,” said Shawn Lucas, Apiary Fund founder and CEO. “With all the talk about the “fiscal cliff” we thought it would be fun to provide some resolutions people can make to avoid their own personal fiscal cliff during 2013.”
- Resolve to diversify your income. You can diversify your money by taking a small portion of your income and putting it to work for you in other investments. Doing so will put your money to work and give you additional forms of income in addition to your job earnings. Even $50 – $100 more per week in earned income can have a significant impact on your personal finance situation. It allows you to trade money for money instead of just time for money.
- Resolve to use leverage. Like any industry that uses tools, leverage is the tool of choice in the financial world. Using small amounts of collateral or money deposits to control larger amounts of investment gives your money a bigger bang for your buck. A lot of people don’t understand what leverage is or how to use it. If you resolve to learn how to use it properly, it can become a powerful tool to allow you to do things with your personal investments that you couldn’t do before.
- Resolve to diversify your risk. Risk diversification is key to financial success, but most people fail to diversify risk correctly by forgetting most of their assets are in U.S. dollars. Diversifying some of your assets in foreign denominated currency can add that last bit of safety you need in case of a deterioration of the U.S. dollar.
- Resolve to invest in yourself. You don’t need to eat the entire financial elephant in one sitting, instead commit to investing a small amount of time each week learning new financial strategies and concepts. In just a few short weeks, your new found knowledge can sharpen your financial skills and senses.
- Resolve to follow your personal investing style. Just as certain physical traits are more conducive to different sports or certain personality traits are helpful in different professions, each person has financial traits conducive to different styles of financial management – financial traits that are good for success. Learn what makes you tick and invest based on your personal financial trait.
- Resolve to always pre-calculate your risk of loss. Any time you put money to work, there is a risk of loss. Risk of loss should not be a problem if you correctly calculate the risk before you invest and are financially willing to accept some predicted loss. A good investment is one where the potential gain is greater than the pre-calculated loss.
- Resolve to mix-up your markets. There are more markets than just the stock market – or the mutual fund market. There are five separate and independent financial markets: stocks, bonds, derivatives, commodities, and currency. Not all markets move the same way at the same time. This opens up new opportunities for profit as well as protection. Learning what the other markets are and their structure and advantages can give you a leg up in your financial future.
Apiary is a new and unique trading fund that allows participants to manage Apiary’s money and share in the profits with out personal investment and risk. Participants only pay tuition to learn the program.
Apiary succeeds because trading activity is diversified among many traders – reducing risk and increasing reaction to the market.
Some of Apiary’s most successful traders have no trading experience in the market. They come from almost any background – retirees, stay at home moms, students and people from any industry looking for flexible, supplementary income.
We welcome Apiary Fund to the Snapp Conner PR family of clients.
Author: A. Cory Maloy | Google+