If I told you “I got to get back in shape. Got to go lift weights,” you would think I was going to the gym to work out. If I said I was chased you might ask by whom or where. If I said I had been burned you may express sympathy and ask me if it hurt.
Press Releases – Worth more than you think
Do press releases still have a role in a well thought-through PR strategy? Undoubtably, yes! Press releases are the most straightforward and obvious means of obtaining PR, but many (even most) companies fail to create the kind of releases that could be most beneficial in supporting their company’s sales.
Take Customer Perception Seriously
While I was in college and before I joined Snapp Conner PR, I worked at a local Utah hospital. My coworkers were doctors, nurses, and surgical technicians who were all very good at their jobs.
Stick To Your Messaging, But Don’t Sound Like a Politician
With the GOP primary season in full swing, candidates are crisscrossing the early-primary states to introduce themselves to voters. Their movements are highly strategic and their words constantly scrutinized. One memorable misstep or slip of the tongue can effectively end a campaign.