
PR: Turn Your Bass Drum into the First-Chair Violin

As a small to medium business on the verge of a major company or product/service launch you can find yourself the conductor of a large orchestra of business elements that all must come together at the same point to ensure success.

The public relations component of your launch is sometimes perceived as the big ‘ole bass drum in the back. It’s frequently silent and sometimes forgotten. When it kicks in it is clear, rhythmic, and unmistakable in its resounding contribution to the orchestra. Yet, it simply provides rhythmic emphasis at key points in the arrangement.

A good public relations program should be considered the first-chair violinist who comes out on stage and fine-tunes the orchestra before the conductor arrives. When he steps on to the podium, the conductor is assured the orchestra is in tune, ready to perform, and only awaits the dramatically controlled downbeat of his baton. Throughout the movement, the head violinist passionately plays the highest melodic notes, the fastest segments, and measures of heartfelt solo. At the end of the concert, the conductor bows, acknowledges and shakes the hand of his violinist.

Often, businesses will wait to start a public relations program until the last minute before a launch. The PR contributes—it makes its mark—but like the bass drum can at best only provide a supporting emphasis.

On the other hand, when a public relations program starts early, like the lead violinist, it can fine-tune many of the other elements of the business to bring continuity of message, provide harmonious cohesion to an integrated marketing program, and beautifully perform an aggressive and strategic PR campaign.

Following the launch, the results become all too clear—an audience has been served.

Plan to bring your public relations program in sooner than later.

Author: A. Cory Maloy |