
Actions speak louder than words

November 14, 2011 / Blog / Brand Management

It seems like there’s a lot of talk lately about corporate social responsibility. Companies are hiring CSR directors and launching initiatives at an ever-increasing rate. While these programs are effective at

Take Customer Perception Seriously

November 10, 2011 / Blog / PR Strategy

While I was in college and before I joined Snapp Conner PR, I worked at a local Utah hospital. My coworkers were doctors, nurses, and surgical technicians who were all very good at their jobs.

Establishing Direction: Diverging and Adjusting

November 10, 2011 / Blog / Personal Development

In aviation or sailing. A chart is plotted, the direction is set, and then many small adjustments are made along the journey, due to divergences from the course. External factors like wind can blow us off course for a minute, but we learn to adjust and move forward.